June 22, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
JewishColumbus Cares: Connecting Community through Philanthropy
A partnership series with the Columbus Jewish Foundation
Attention fund holders! Learn about community needs, hear the impact of philanthropy in action, and connect with our fund holder network. The Columbus Jewish Foundation is central Ohio’s headquarters for planned giving and endowments. We serve as advisors to help you on your philanthropic path. Our fund holders and JewishColumbus supporters give Jewishly and through Jewish values to give Tzedakah and repair the world, Tikkun Olam. Join us for the inaugural event in a series as we grow community through philanthropy.
June 22, 12-1p, Zoom (Registration required in advance)
Highlighting: The Joint Distribution Committee
A collaboration between Israel & Overseas and Donor Advised Fund Committee
Hosted by Ayelet Ben-David and Bob Keidan