$1 million in funding
for security initiatives each year
$382k raised
to support Ukrainian Jews
120+ Columbus kids
sent to overnight Jewish summer camp


Combatting Antisemitism

“A full 63% of religious hate crimes are motivated by antisemitism— targeting a group that makes up just 2.4% of our population. Foreign terrorist organizations… continue to target Jewish Americans in their attack plots. But we also confront the threat of people here, on our soil, whose hateful views—often paraded online—boil over into acts of violence.”

Director Christopher Wray, Federal Bureau of Investigation, November 10, 2022

JewishColumbus’ security goal is to help the Columbus-area Jewish community increase its mindset and preparedness to be and feel safe, including our confidence to respond to and, if need be, survive all antisemitic threats and incidents. To that end, our efforts focus on liaison with law enforcement, Jewish security organizations, and our partnering agencies to collect and share intelligence and expertise that assesses the threat to the Jewish community in the greater Columbus area and identifies the best measures and protocols to address that threat.

Immediately call 9-1-1 if you witness:

  • any act of violence
  • destruction/defacement of property
  • suspicious activity (e.g., menacing behavior, active loitering, probing security measures or unusual questioning/photographing)

If you witness antisemitic markings on property or antisemitic harassment/intimidation towards Jewish persons:

  • Please report it to JewishColumbus by emailing its Director of Community-wide Security at stephen@jewishcolumbus.org, including photos if possible.

BeAware and Active Shooter Community Trainings

Active Shooter Response and BeAware (situational awareness) training is available to the community on dates and at locations listed below. Each course is one hour. Courses on the same date can be taken back-to-back and include a break in between.

You must register to attend. For security reasons you may be asked to show your current state ID to enter the event. Please remember to bring it with you.

All courses instructed by Steve Flowers, JewishColumbus Director of Community-Wide Security .

Active Shooter Response Community Trainings

This in-person course will help you learn how to assess and respond to an active shooter crisis. Survivors of attacks on both the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 and the Colleyville, Texas synagogue in 2022 have stated they only survived because of this type of training.

BeAware Community Trainings

This in-person course will help you learn how to assess situations for all types of threats and, if needed, take actions to mitigate them by understanding the components of situational awareness.

Questions? Let’s connect.

Stephen Flowers

Director of Community-Wide Security