$1 million in funding
for security initiatives each year
$382k raised
to support Ukrainian Jews
120+ Columbus kids
sent to overnight Jewish summer camp

Shabbat Shalom – August 9, 2024

Teens from the Onward visit to Israel.
Columbus' Emmett Pliskin and David Levinson with their Israeli staff peers at Emma Kauffman Camp during Color War.
Teens at Jewish summer camp.
Dear friends,

As my children returned from camp this week they recounted the friends they made, the songs they sang, the lessons they learned, and, of course, the meals they enjoyed. These stories underscore Jewish summer programs’ profound and positive impact on our children. Immersive summer programs create Jewish joy, connection with Israel and so much more.

This summer, in collaboration with Cincinnati, we had the privilege of welcoming children from Kibbutz Carmia, our partner city located near the Gaza envelope, to Camp Livingston. This initiative is part of our new partnership with the kibbutz through Communities2Gether, a global effort, spearheaded by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) that supports Israeli towns and kibbutzim impacted by the tragic events of October 7. Currently, around 80% of the community has returned to the kibbutz after many long, arduous months of being displaced from their homes promoting understanding and unity.

The children arrived with heavy hearts and left with joy where the anxiety once lived, a testament to the transformative outcomes and impact of our partnership with Kibbutz Carmia. Their presence at camp helped us realize the dream of people-to-people connections, which is at the core of our partnership. They shared laughter and adventures, from camp songs to a thrilling day at King’s Island, and have been beacons of hope, guiding each of them toward healing and a feeling of support they didn’t know was possible.

In other meaningful connections, Columbus had with Israel this summer, young adults from our community participating in the Onward Israel program visited K’far Saba, our Partnership2gether city. This experience marked another significant milestone in our efforts to strengthen our bonds. Our students from Columbus, alongside their K’far Saba peers, shared a profound experience. They engaged in learning, experienced rituals together, and united over shared meals and stories, further solidifying the importance of such programs in promoting understanding and unity.

We are eager for as many of our youth as possible to have these experiences. That’s why we are thrilled to welcome Tamar David as our new Diamond Family Foundation RootOne Senior Shlicha. RootOne helps thousands of Jewish teens travel to Israel each summer for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Tamar will be working to expand access to this program across Columbus. Her boundless passion for connecting youth with Israel will undoubtedly lead to innovative programs and deeper relationships. I can’t wait for you to meet Tamar, her husband, Regev, and their adorable puppy, Albi.

As we head into Shabbat, our hearts are heavy. Since October 7th, we’ve watched as our beloved homeland stood face-to-face with its enemy, defending its right to exist. And, like always, our commitment to Israel remains steadfast. We don’t know what each new day or hour will bring. We are committed to standing in solidarity with the Israeli people and being here to support the needs that arise. JewishColumbus is in touch with our partner cities and agencies on the ground, such as JFNA, JAFI, JDC, and others, to identify the most current and urgent needs. Resources have been sent to the north to help them prepare, and an assessment is being done to determine where critical help is needed.

After October 7th, our community came together and raised an incredible $23 million to address the immediate and long-term needs of the war. We know today that those resources, pooled with fundraising from across the country, led to more than $880 million for Israel. We are so proud of our community for stepping up when called on. I encourage you to read our Israel Emergency Campaign Impact Report and watch the below video from our partner agency, which shares the stories of the people whose lives were positively impacted by North American support.

And now, as we await word from the North, we will again be there to answer the call. As we receive updates and information, we will pass it along. As briefings, information sessions, and webinars are made available featuring top regional experts, we will pass along those invitations so you may be kept up-to-date on the most current and factual news.

As we welcome Shabbat, let us all find meaningful interactions. May we treasure our children’s stories, embrace the promise of new beginnings, draw strength from our shared heritage, and pray extra hard that all of Israel may experience a peaceful Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom,
A Shabbat message from our partner region.
Rachel Nistor, Chair of JewishColumbus’ Steering Committee – Kfar Saba