$1 million in funding
for security initiatives each year
$382k raised
to support Ukrainian Jews
120+ Columbus kids
sent to overnight Jewish summer camp

Trusted Charitable Advisors Program

JewishColumbus is proud to offer a service for Professional Charitable Advisors in the greater central Ohio area. We work with financial/wealth advisors, estate planning attorneys, accountants and insurance brokers.

Our mission is to advance charitable planning and build a local culture of philanthropic giving in central Ohio.

  • The program builds a working relationship with attorneys, accountants, financial advisors and wealth managers, providing tools to engage clients in charitable conversations and help clients integrate charitable planning as a strategy for achieving their overall goals.
  • The program was created by the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego and is working with communities around the country to establish their own professional advisor program, as here in Columbus.
  • Classes are professionally instructed by Sharleen Wollach, Chief Impact Officer of the San Diego Jewish Community Foundation, and nationally recognized expert in the field, along with Lori Maier Wishne, Senior Foundation Director at JewishColumbus.
  • JewishColumbus is building an alumni group for participants to provide networking opportunities and serve as a professional advisory resource.

If you have an interest in participating in future cohorts, please contact Senior Foundation Director Lori Maier Wishne at 314-559-3208 or lori@jewishcolumbus.org.

Cohort Graduates