Donate to our Community Campaign to help fund security for our community
$1 million in funding
for security initiatives each year
$382k raised
to support Ukrainian Jews
120+ Columbus kids
sent to overnight Jewish summer camp

Volunteer Opportunties

If any of these opportunities sound like something you’d be interested in, please let us know.

Deliver food to Hillel 
Cookies, matzah ball soup, pre-packaged snacks or drinks. We will ensure it goes to Jewish students who will appreciate it. 

Help us create a safe and relaxing space for students to hang out!
Donations of any of the following are appreciated:

  • Oil diffuser
  • Roku/Apple TV
  • Television
  • Nespresso Machine and Pods
  • Alexa
  • Coloring books
  • Drink fridge
  • Calming artwork

Show your support and attend Shabbat or an event
You can register on Ohio State Hillel’s website by clicking here.

Students love dogs!
If you have a calm, cuddly dog, we would love for you to bring your pup to Hillel for a puppy party.

Lend your talents
Do you have a certification in yoga/meditation/pilates/etc. – if you can teach, we would love to have you at Hillel to lead a class for our students!

Other ideas are welcome! We are happy to discuss implementing something that is not on this list.
Please get in touch!

Links to Other Israel Resources



