If any of these opportunities sound like something you’d be interested in, please let us know.
Deliver food to Hillel
Cookies, matzah ball soup, pre-packaged snacks or drinks. We will ensure it goes to Jewish students who will appreciate it.
Help us create a safe and relaxing space for students to hang out!
Donations of any of the following are appreciated:
Show your support and attend Shabbat or an event
You can register on Ohio State Hillel’s website by clicking here.
Students love dogs!
If you have a calm, cuddly dog, we would love for you to bring your pup to Hillel for a puppy party.
Lend your talents
Do you have a certification in yoga/meditation/pilates/etc. – if you can teach, we would love to have you at Hillel to lead a class for our students!
Other ideas are welcome! We are happy to discuss implementing something that is not on this list.
Please get in touch!