$1 million in funding
for security initiatives each year
$382k raised
to support Ukrainian Jews
120+ Columbus kids
sent to overnight Jewish summer camp

Young Adults

Young JewishColumbus

  • Young JewishColumbus aims to create welcoming and inclusive opportunities for the 40 and under community.
  • Social and volunteering program for young Jewish professionals to meet and engage with others.
  • Opportunities to get involved with committees.

Leadership JewishColumbus

Leadership JewishColumbus is a 1-year program designed to equip participants to be Columbus Jewish community’s next generation of leadership. Now entering its fourth cycle, Leadership JewishColumbus participants meet monthly to deepen their knowledge of Jewish values and ethics, see firsthand the important work of JewishColumbus’ partner agencies, attain important board skills and have the opportunity to apply these skills to address areas of concern in our community.

Want to learn more about the program? Check out the Leadership JewishColumbus page.


Ben Gurion Society is a national program for individuals — ages 22–40 — who give a minimum of $1,000 to the Annual Campaign. Members enjoy access to exclusive events, VIP treatment and networking opportunities.


Chai Society is a community of young Jewish philanthropists who make a gift of $180 or more to the JewishColumbus’ Annual Campaign. In recognition of Chai members’ contributions, they have access to exclusive events, perks and discounts.

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