The JCRC works to enhance the greater community’s understanding of Israel and foster connections between Columbus and Israel. The JCRC will combat efforts to delegitimize Israel. The JCRC will support efforts to enhance Israel’s security, and will actively advocate for a strong US/Israel relationship.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the U.S. and abroad through information, education, legislation, and advocacy. ADL serves as a resource for government, media, law enforcement, educators and the public.
For more than half a century, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has worked to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. From a small pro-Israel public affairs boutique in the 1950s, AIPAC has grown into a 100,000-member national grassroots movement.
The partnership between Jewish Federations of North America, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, federations and Community Relations Councils serves as a powerful Israel advocacy infrastructure. IAI is based on two primary principles: that the continued support of the United States government is essential to guarantee Israel’s long-term security. And, that federations and CRCs play a distinctive and crucial role in advancing community-based advocacy on behalf of Israel.
The Israeli consulate in New York City offers resources from the Israeli government. Additionally, the consulate may offer speakers and other programs for our community. Some of the consulates offer leadership training programs.
ICS is dedicated to promoting accurate instructional materials and instruction on Jews, Judaism, and Israel for American K-12 students. Its work impacts the millions of public and private school students who learn about Jews, Judaism, and Israel in social studies classes each year.
ICC supports and empowers campus leaders, facilitates strategic collaboration among national pro-Israel groups, incubates innovative initiatives, and conducts cutting-edge research to inform campus partners and the national pro-Israel community.